Nature's Wrath: Dozens Die from 'Heat Dome' in Mexico

Update: 2024-05-26 05:42 GMT


*New Delhi*: Mexico is currently experiencing extreme heat, with dozens of people having died in just a few weeks due to the scorching temperatures. The country is facing its third heatwave, and forecasts suggest that even hotter weather is on the way.

The Mexican Ministry of Health has reported that intense heat has claimed dozens of lives across several states in recent weeks. Moreover, predictions indicate that temperatures will continue to rise in the coming days.

**Heat Dome Situation**

Mexico is grappling with a high-pressure weather event known as a "heat dome," where hot air becomes trapped in one area, creating a sort of heat prison. This heat dome has trapped warm air across most parts of the country, pushing temperatures in some areas to record-breaking highs of over 45 degrees Celsius.

According to the Ministry of Health, since the onset of the hot weather on March 17, 48 people have died due to extreme temperatures, mostly from heatstroke and some from dehydration. Between May 12 and May 21 alone, 22 people died from heat-related causes. In contrast, only two and three heat-related deaths were reported in 2022 and 2023, respectively.

The ministry's data also reveals that hundreds of people have fallen ill due to heat stroke, sunburn, dehydration, and other heat-related conditions. The intense heat is so severe that monkeys are reportedly falling dead from trees.

Researchers from the National Autonomous University of Mexico indicate that immediate relief is not in sight. Over the next 10-15 days, Mexico is expected to experience its highest temperatures yet. The extreme heat has exacerbated the nationwide drought, overwhelming the country. Electricity demand has surged, putting immense pressure on power plants, and water sources are drying up.


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