G-7 leaders divided on abortion rights, Meloni clashes with Macron

However, Meloni's office has denied removing it and talks with Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and the US on this matter.

Update: 2024-06-15 14:45 GMT

A debate has erupted in America and European countries on abortion rights. These countries are divided on the right to abortion law, the effect of which was also seen in the G-7 summit. This issue also resonated strongly in the G-7 summit held in Italy. There was also a split among the G-70 leaders on this issue. There was a sharp altercation between Macron and Meloni on this. It is being said that due to Meloni's opposition, the G-7 leaders have removed the commitment on abortion rights in their final statement at the conference.

However, Meloni's office has denied removing it and talks with Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and the US on this matter. The leaders had expressed commitment at the G-7 summit held in Hiroshima last year on the issue of 'access to safe and legal abortion'. But due to the opposition of Italy's PM Giorgia Meloni, it had to be removed from the draft of this year's conference statement.

When French President Macron criticized Italy for weakening the language on abortion rights in the draft statement, PM Giorgia Meloni accused him of using the G-7 platform for election campaigning. According to Italian media, Meloni said on Thursday evening, "I think it is very wrong to campaign using an important platform like the G-7 in such a difficult time."

According to news reports, Giorgia Meloni said, "The controversy over the presence or absence of the word abortion in the conclusions is completely wrong." She said that the document will remind of the language of the Hiroshima text, in which we allowed last year that there is a need to guarantee 'safe and legal' abortion.

The abortion law in Italy was approved in 1978. But it is very challenging because most gynecologists are women. These doctors refuse to perform abortions on moral and religious grounds. Italy's new PM Georgia Meloni is anti-abortion. She has been accused of making abortion laws difficult after coming to power.

A senior EU official has confirmed that efforts to use clear words on abortion in the G-7 have failed. The US is also against Italy's stance. The US's tough stand was seen on Thursday against Italy's alleged attempts to remove the statement on "safe and legal" abortion and weaken the G-7 leaders' declaration.

Diplomatic sources say that Italy's PM and G-7 host Meloni is trying to weaken the commitment reiterated in Japan last year. Her move has caused a lot of resentment among partner countries. A senior US official said President Joe Biden "felt very strongly that we needed at least the language that reflected what we did in Hiroshima on women's health and reproductive rights."

Women in France have a constitutional right to abortion. On the occasion of International Women's Day, President Macron gave a big gift to women by including abortion in the constitutional right. A copy of this constitutional law was also printed using a 200-year-old printing machine. France took this decision after voting. 780 votes were cast in favor of the decision and 72 against it. When there was a demand to make abortion a law in many countries including America, Indonesia, Britain, France was the first country to make abortion a constitutional law. In France, now a pregnancy of 14 weeks can be terminated.


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