BJP leaders in race for post of national president

Although it is difficult to guess who is going to become what in the BJP of the Modi era, on the basis of some equations, many names are being discussed.

Update: 2024-06-13 13:19 GMT

After JP Nadda's inclusion in the union cabinet as the Health Minister, the BJP has started looking for a new national president. Sources say that the way the party is taking the new generation forward since 2014, once again a leader under 60 years of age is more likely to get the top post of the party. It is certain that whoever becomes the President will be from the Sangh background. Amit Shah got the responsibility of National President in 2014 at the age of 50, while JP Nadda got it in 2020 at the age of 59. Although it is difficult to guess who is going to become what in the BJP of the Modi era, on the basis of some equations, many names are being discussed. Some of the prominent names doing the round are-

Devendra Fadnavis: 53-year-old Devendra Fadnavis of Sangh background is considered to be a leader full of potential in the second line of BJP. He has the skill of running the organization and the government while being both the state president and the Chief Minister. The party has been making him in-charge during the Lok Sabha and Assembly elections. The way new equations have emerged in Maharashtra, the party can give him a chance in national politics by removing him from the state.

Vinod Tawde: The way BJP is facing the challenge of managing Maratha politics in Maharashtra, the party can send a message by making 62-year-old Vinod Tawde the national president. Tawde, who emerged from the RSS student organization ABVP, has been the Mumbai state unit president as well as a minister in the Maharashtra government. Currently, as general secretary, he is looking after many big campaigns ranging from the recruitment of leaders from other parties.

Sunil Bansal: National General Secretary and Rajasthan resident 54-year-old Sunil Bansal is counted among the executive leaders of BJP. With Bansal of RSS background in charge of Odisha and Telangana, BJP performed brilliantly in both the states. Earlier, while being the organization minister in UP, he won the elections of 2014, 2017, 2019 and 2022. Bansal's track record makes him a contender for the post of president.

K Laxman: He has been the state president of Telangana and is currently heading the OBC Front. He is a strong person due to being a member of powerful committees like Parliamentary and Central Elections. By making Laxman the President, BJP can not only woo South India but also OBCs. This time BJP has won more Lok Sabha seats than Congress in Telangana. The post of President can be added to the state's account.

Anurag Thakur: After being unexpectedly out of the Union Cabinet, Anurag Thakur's name is also in discussion for the post of National President. Anurag has good popularity among the youth. The way the anger of the youth became a big issue in the Lok Sabha elections, the party can attract the youth by putting his face forward. But, there is doubt on whether the second National President after Nadda will also be from Himachal.

Om Mathur and Narendra Singh Tomar: Om Mathur and Narendra Singh Tomar are both very senior leaders of BJP and are considered experts in organization skills. Mathur has formed the party's governments in many states including UP, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh. However, Mathur's 72 years of age is a hurdle in his path to becoming the national president. It is a big question whether Narendra Singh Tomar, who was sent from the center to state politics as speaker, will come back to national politics again.

These names are also in discussion

Though the names of organization general secretary BL Santosh, national vice president Saudan Singh, co-organization minister Shivprakash are also in discussion. But these three pracharaks are working on deputation in BJP as representatives of the Sangh. There is no example of making organization general secretaries presidents. Because, like Ramlal, the Sangh calls back pracharaks as per the need. If BJP decides to make a woman national president, then D Purandeswari from Telangana, Sudha Yadav from Haryana, Vanithi Srinivasan from Tamil Nadu, Saroj Pandey from Chhattisgarh also have a claim.


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