PM Modi to Meet Putin in July, First Visit Since Ukraine War

It will shed light on the continued relevance of the India-Russia partnership and India's ability to maintain its strategic autonomy in a rapidly changing global landscape.

Update: 2024-06-25 13:12 GMT

PM Modi

PM Modi is set to visit Russia in July, marking his first meeting with President Putin since the start of the Ukraine war. This high-level diplomatic engagement comes as India seeks to maintain its strategic autonomy and balance its relationships amidst the ongoing global tensions.

The Prime Minister's last visit to Russia was in 2019 for an economic forum in Vladivostok, while his previous Moscow visit was in 2015. The upcoming meeting will provide an opportunity for the two leaders to discuss a range of bilateral and international issues, as India continues to navigate its complex geopolitical position.

The visit holds significance as India has maintained a neutral stance on the Ukraine conflict, refusing to condemn Russia's actions. India has also continued to purchase Russian oil and defense equipment, drawing criticism from the West. However, New Delhi has emphasized the importance of dialogue and diplomacy in resolving the crisis.

The meeting between Modi and Putin is expected to focus on strengthening the India-Russia strategic partnership, which has endured for decades. The two countries have a long history of cooperation in areas such as defense, energy, and trade. The leaders are likely to discuss ways to further deepen these ties, as well as explore new avenues of collaboration.

Additionally, the talks may touch upon regional and global issues, including the situation in Afghanistan, the Indo-Pacific, and the evolving global order. India and Russia have often shared similar perspectives on these matters, and the meeting could provide an opportunity to coordinate their approaches.

The visit also comes at a time when India is navigating its relationships with other major powers, such as the United States and China. As India seeks to balance these complex relationships, the meeting with Putin could be seen as a reaffirmation of its independent foreign policy.

Overall, the upcoming India-Russia summit is a significant event that will be closely watched by the international community. 


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