What is missed miscarriage? Know how does it happens!!

Update: 2019-09-18 10:39 GMT
What is missed miscarriage? Know how does it happens!!

Lucknow: A silent miscarriage is also called missed miscarriage in this case you won’t experience cramping or bleeding despite having suffered a miscarriage. Though the tenderness of the breast and the feeling of nausea may decrease.

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You will only find if you have had a missed miscarriage; once you go for an ultrasound. During a missed miscarriage, the embryo dies, but your body hasn’t expelled it yet.

How does it happen?

It’s not your fault, a missed miscarriage can happen to anyone. As sometimes during the first trimester, usually around 6 to 10 weeks, the embryo quits developing and it's heartbeat stops.

Mostly it happens due to an issue with the chromosomes. It is also possible that the embryo did not develop and left empty pregnancy sac, which means it started to grow but did not continue.

How to diagnose a missed miscarriage.

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The only way to diagnose a missed miscarriage is by performing an ultrasound. Many doctors are still unsure if the fetal heart rate is absent in one ultrasound, especially during the very early days.

Sometimes a second ultrasound is performed and is read by the radiologist. The hCG levels are also checked, as the number doubles every 48 to 72 hours during pregnancy. If the hCG levels are not increasing enough and ultrasound failed to pick up a heartbeat, your doctor will most likely declare a missed miscarriage.

What are the next steps?

Most of the times the bleeding and cramping of miscarriage start on its own. But if you prefer not to wait, your doctor might give your misoprostol, which will help contract the uterus and expel the tissue.

If you are 12 weeks or over than that, then your doctor might perform a D and C as it’s hard to pass the fetus.

What will happen next?

Though trying to conceive again might be the last thing on your mind after a missed miscarriage. If you have gone through D and C, you should wait for at least three menstrual cycles.

And if you get pregnant again, do not feel surprised if you feel too nervous during the first trimester. Women even go for unscheduled ultrasounds just to make sure if everything is okay. But most commonly a missed miscarriage doesn’t happen for the second time.

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