Here are the Smart ways to organise your office desk post pandemic

WFH might have hampered your punctuality and organisation power. To regain the lost power check out smart ways to make your office desk organised and tidy.

Update: 2021-11-29 13:42 GMT

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WFH is gradually fading and a new normal has come to existence. Patent members of the new normal are masks and sanitisers. Worried how your work life will be post COVID-19? Not to worry! We are here to fix all problems and help you with smart ways to organise your office desk. WFH might have hampered your punctuality and organisation power. To regain the lost power check out smart ways to make your office desk organised and tidy.

1. Make sure you do have a bottle of SANITIZER on the desk

Sanitizers are a must if you plan to work from the office even for alternate days of the week. The bottle of sanitiser on your office desk will constantly remind you to use it at regular intervals. This way you can ensure 100 percent protection and safety while working from the office.

2. Place an ORGANISER BOX to keep your desk fuss-free

WFH might have made you unorganised and messy. In order to cope up with your WFH shenanigans ensure that you work in an environment that is well organised and mess-free. Place an organiser box to store all your essentials right from stationery to files. The tidy your desk is, the better you can tackle the new normal phase of your life.

3. Use an adjustable and foldable MOBILE HOLDER

Since you were dependent on smartphones and digital devices amidst the pandemic, it will take time to get back to paper work. An adjustable and foldable mobile holder will help you to keep an eye on notifications and prevent frequent touching. With your eyes on your mobile phone you can keep a track of time as well as manage work with utmost precaution.

4. Make the use of PIN BOARD to hang important notices and to-do list

If you don't want to miss out on any important messages, tasks or responsibilities, use a self adhesive pin board. This pin board will help you to keep a track of time and the pending tasks on your day-to-day planner.

5. Pen down your plans in MEMO NOTEPAD

If you aren't comfortable with a self adhesive pinboard, use a memo notepad with sticky notes. This notepad on your desk will help you to manage your tasks of the day with ease. Since, work from home rituals will be on the verge of fading, you need to prepare yourself by reorganising your day at work just like the pre-COVID 19 days.

With these things on your office desk, you can unwind WFH shenanigans with ease. This new normal might have blown away the original work environment but you need to face the new normal work culture with grace. It's the time to jump out of pajamas and get back to your daily routine.


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