Reasons for weight gain and tips to manage it effectively

Weight gain can be extremely frustrating, especially when you don’t know what’s causing it. Ahead, is a list of conditions that could be causing your sudden weight gain, and how to tell if it’s time to see a doctor.

Update: 2023-03-29 10:21 GMT

Weight gain can occur for a variety of causes. If you are worried about your weight, in particular, you might be wondering how this happened. Several things, including taking drugs, living a sedentary lifestyle, and not getting enough sleep, can cause weight gain. This post is for you if you have already given these things some thought but are still unsure of how you have gained additional weight.

According to the World Health Organization, energy imbalances between the number of calories we consume and the amount we burn typically lead to weight gain. This article provides advice on how to properly handle the issue and outlines 20 causes of weight gain. Continue reading to find a solution to your weight gain issue and restart your life.

Top reasons for weight gain

1. Body Type

In terms of gaining weight, body type is crucial. Mesomorphic body types frequently experience rapid weight gain and rapid weight loss. The worst casualties, though, are people who have endomorphic body types. Endomorphs frequently put on weight fast and struggle to shed it. Exercise frequently and consume a lot of leafy green vegetables if your body type is endomorphic.

2. Depression

350 million people worldwide, of all ages, suffer from depression, according to the WHO. Real-world issues like depression can lead to weight increase in many people. Antidepressants can also lead to weight gain. Only when you wish to get better can depression be cured. Encourage yourself to do the things you enjoy and that make you happy. The greatest approach to managing depression without taking medication is to exercise. Take up a sport, enroll in art lessons, and go on vacation. If you lack a confidant, you can write down your emotions in a journal or a book. You'll feel less strain as a result.

3. Stress

Stress triggers emotional eating, and this leads to weight gain. Stress, whether at work or home, causes the hormone cortisol to be secreted, which raises hunger. You'll favor unhealthy foods over comfortable ones as your appetite grows. Try meditation, yoga, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, aromatherapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy for stress management. Your doctor might also recommend medication, depending on how serious the condition is.

4. Thyroid Imbalance

Growth and metabolism are significantly influenced by the thyroid. T3, T4, and calcitonin are the three hormones that it produces. T3 and T4 are the actual thyroid hormones, and hypothyroidism results when there is insufficient production of these hormones. As the metabolism slows, hypothyroidism is marked by weight gain. Therefore, if you have suddenly put on weight, you should schedule a thyroid test right once. Levothyroxine, an over-the-counter hormone replacement therapy, can be used to treat this disease. You can also attempt straightforward home cures like ingesting less simple carbohydrates, using less salt and taking water infused with fenugreek.

5. Unhealthy Food Choices

Foods that are unhealthy have a lot of sodium, trans fats, and artificial food coloring. Although it tastes nice, it puts your health at risk for obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Another factor in weight gain is eating processed food or eating out nearly every day. At least five days a week, make your meals at home. During the workweek, you can chop the vegetables and store them in zip-top bags. Additionally, you should refrain from purchasing any processed foods, simple carbs, or high-salt food items from the grocery store. Purchase lean meats like fish, ground turkey, and chicken breast. Consume quinoa, celery, broccoli, eggs, multigrain bread, wheat pasta and noodles, herbs, cinnamon, black pepper, citrus fruits, green leafy veggies, almonds, fish oil, tofu, olive oil, fat-free milk, soy milk, lentils, and dark chocolate.

6. Large Portion Sizes

Even after eating well, my friends frequently complain to me about their weight loss struggles. They cannot regulate portion size, which is the issue. You must manage your portion sizes if you want to reduce weight. When you eat too much and then don't exercise, you create an energy imbalance that leads to weight gain. Take a bite the size of your palm. Vegetables should make up half of your plate, lean protein should make up a third, and the remaining portion of your plate should be made up of complex carbohydrates and fiber-rich items. Every day, you can eat three to four servings of fruits and vegetables. 4-6 almonds should be eaten soaking in the morning. Nuts give you sustained energy throughout the day.

7. Inactive Lifestyle

We're all sluggish now because of technology. If a computer or TV is in front of us, we rarely get off the couch or bed. Even young children prefer playing on the Xbox or PlayStation over outside games. This is presumably the cause of the high number of young people developing lifestyle diseases. You will acquire weight if you don't let your body use the energy you eat, and it will be very difficult to shed the fat. Play outdoor games, enroll in a dance class like Zumba or another dance style, take an hour-long break from your work to go for a walk, bike, or walk to the workplace, and go on hikes.

8. Medicines

Many of the medications have adverse effects. One of them is gaining weight. Depression, migraine, steroids, allergy, Type II Diabetes, blood pressure, birth control, and seizure medications all have the potential to induce unexpected weight gain. Ask your doctor if there are any other medications available that won't have as much of an impact on your weight as the one you are now taking. Join a gym, use a steam room, eat well, and get enough sleep.

9. Menopause

Your body's estrogen levels decrease throughout menopause. The metabolic rate is slowed down by reduced estrogen levels. Starch and sugar are not utilized by the body for energy. And this is turned into fat and stored throughout the body, particularly around the midsection.

You can exercise, consume green tea, and take estrogen tablets as directed by your doctor. Eat black-eyed peas and kidney beans, add cinnamon and black pepper for flavor, and get seven hours or more of sleep each night.

10. Digestive Problems

Many illnesses have a digestive system-based treatment. You will put on weight if you have stomach issues. It may be brought on by eating unhealthily, overeating, not getting enough water, consuming a lot of alcohol, or not having enough good gut bacteria. Embrace probiotic beverages, ginger, high-fiber foods, fresh fruit juices, yogurt, buttermilk, and other digestive aids. As soon as you wake up each morning, make it a habit to drink at least 1 cup of warm water. Additionally, consume 3–4 liters of water daily. This will promote healthy bowel movements.

11. Pregnancy

Women typically experience many hormonal and physical changes during pregnancy. It's challenging to resist the desires. In addition, it is suggested that women eat as much as they can because they are feeding two people! Additionally, women typically put on more weight in the third (and last) trimester. While breastfeeding, some women experience weight loss while others do not. Gaining that much weight so quickly can complicate pregnancy. Additionally, these women struggle to reduce weight after giving a baby.

To find out exactly how much food you should eat, speak with your doctor. You can also enroll in prenatal yoga classes. To prevent weight gain, adhere to the following recommendations.

12. Genes And Environment

Numerous genes have been associated with weight gain. According to scientists, having a family history of obesity is a significant risk factor for persons who have gained weight suddenly or who are in danger of doing so. But the environment also has a big impact. The following generation would likely adopt the same lifestyle choices if a family practices bad eating and is inactive. And that might account for the weight gain.

Avoid eating junk food at all costs because it is fried, oily, rich in sodium, and has trans fat. Also, start exercising. Weigh yourself once or twice a year to monitor your weight. Every week, one cheat day is permitted.

13. Age

Soon after turning 30, women begin to lose muscle mass. Loss of muscle slows metabolism. Thyroid, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels all drop along with them. As we get older, there is less activity and increased stress, which also leads to weight gain.

Do not stop exercising. Join a gym now and combine resistance and cardio exercises. It will support maintaining hormonal balance and muscle growth. Using meditation and music to reduce stress. Add fat-free milk, spinach, lean protein, good fats, and complex carbohydrates to your diet as well.

14. Consuming Excess Alcohol

Another significant factor in extra fat is alcohol. In the body, alcohol is converted to sugar molecules. This sugar is turned into fat in the absence of exercise and is then stored throughout our bodies. Binge drinking promotes fatty liver by causing fat to accumulate in the liver.

Reduce your alcohol consumption. Stay away from persons who habitually consume alcohol or those who promote excessive alcohol use. You must put your health first, however how harsh it may sound. Of course, you can still go to parties, but you can only have two drinks in total. Drink it slowly to limit your intake.

15. Less Sleep

Researchers have shown that lack of sleep might result in a weight increase. Lack of sleep lowers insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance because sleep regulates neuroendocrine and glucose metabolism. Additionally, it lowers leptin, which increases appetite and hunger (8).

Make sure there is at least a two to three-hour window between dinner and bedtime. Read a book or listen to music to unwind. Put your anxieties to rest and enjoy a comfortable night's sleep in a well-made bed. For your body to get the rest it needs, get at least 7 hours of sleep. Get up early so you have time to exercise and have a hearty breakfast before you go.


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