Suffering from sleeplessness? Try these foods

Balancing the sleep cycle is very important for good body functioning. Good sleep is very important for our health and life quality. However, there are some foods whose consumption can help in promoting sleep.

Update: 2024-04-25 14:44 GMT

Nowadays people are troubled by the problem of poor sleep or insomnia. What to eat for good sleep is a big question which remains in the mind of many people. We all know how important sleep is for our health. Balancing the sleep cycle is very important for good body functioning. Good sleep is very important for our health and life quality. However, there are some foods whose consumption can help in promoting sleep. Here are some foods that might help us sleep better.

Beneficial Foods For Getting Good Sleep:

  1. Milk and milk products: Milk contains lipoprotein, glycine and tryptophan, which helps you sleep. Drinking warm milk is great for calm and restful sleep.
  2. Dates: Melatonin is found in dates, it is an essential hormone for sleep, it can help in regulating sleep.
  3. Almonds: Almonds contain magnesium, which can help in getting peaceful sleep. You can consume soaked almonds daily.
  4. Makhana: Makhana creates a feeling of peace and can help in getting good sleep. You can consume makhana daily.
  5. Banana: Banana contains magnesium and potassium, which can help promote sleep.
  6. Cherries: Cherries contain melatonin, which is a very beneficial hormone for sleep.

Before consuming these things, it is important to eat dinner on time and in moderation. Also, regular exercise is also important for good sleep. If your sleep is getting worse, consult a doctor.


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