Is it necessary to beat children to teach them discipline? Know what effect it has on mental health of child

Good parenting does not only mean that you raise children by bathing them, pampering them, but the sign of good parents is that you also show the right path to the children when they do wrong, but is it necessary to beat the children to do this?

Update: 2024-06-29 14:34 GMT

Children are raised like raw clay, which we have to handle very carefully and the way fire and heat are used to bake a clay pot, in the same way, many times we have to teach children by scolding them. Good parenting does not only mean that you raise children by bathing them, pampering them, but the sign of good parents is that you also show the right path to the children when they do wrong, but is it necessary to beat the children to do this? Let us tell you what happens due to this.

Often parents feel that if children do not follow discipline, then they can be corrected only by scolding or beating them. While this is not the case, if you explain to children with love and give them good examples, then they can learn discipline and you will not even need to beat them for this, because beating children can cause them many types of harm -

Serious injury

Many times parents beat children to keep them disciplined. Some children are so delicate and soft that a small injury can sometimes become a serious injury, which they may have to struggle with for the rest of their lives.

It has a bad effect on mental health

Yes, experts also believe that if children are scolded or beaten too much, then it has a bad effect on their mental health and such children are always scared, their self-confidence is also low and in the future such children are not able to take decisions. It can also become a cause of depression in the future.

Tendency to lie

When you beat children repeatedly, they get the idea that if they do anything wrong, their parents will beat them, so they start lying and in such a situation, children start hiding their things and when they grow up, it has a bad effect on their lives.

The law also prohibits it

Beating children is also considered wrong in the eyes of the law. There are many countries in the world where if parents beat their children, they can even go to jail. In India too, parents can be punished for beating children badly and if the crime is proved, they can also be jailed for up to 6 months. In such a situation, instead of beating children, you can explain to them or sometimes you can also take the help of elders or experts.


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