India Criticizes US Religious Freedom Report as Deeply Biased

Explore India's response to the US religious freedom report, labeling it deeply biased.

Gobind Arora
Published on: 28 Jun 2024 12:10 PM GMT
India Criticizes US Religious Freedom Report as Deeply Biased

PC- Social Media 

India has strongly criticized the latest US religious freedom report, denouncing it as deeply biased and unwarranted interference in internal affairs. The report, issued annually by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), has sparked diplomatic tensions between the two nations.

Indian officials have categorically rejected the findings of the report, which alleged religious discrimination and persecution within India. They argue that the assessment is based on selective observations and fails to acknowledge India's constitutional guarantees of religious freedom and diversity.

The Ministry of External Affairs released a statement expressing disappointment over what it perceives as a one-sided and prejudiced portrayal of religious conditions in India. The statement emphasized India's commitment to secularism and pluralism, highlighting efforts to protect the rights of all religious communities.

This latest diplomatic spat underscores ongoing differences between India and the US on issues related to religious freedom and human rights. It comes amidst broader geopolitical dynamics and India's assertive stance on maintaining sovereignty in the face of external scrutiny.

As discussions continue between the two nations, India remains firm in its stance against what it views as external interference in domestic matters. The response from Indian authorities signals a robust defense of its policies and a commitment to addressing internal challenges through dialogue and constructive engagement.

Gobind Arora

Gobind Arora

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