Wanna get relief from deadliest pain of migraine... Here are the remedies...!!!

Sakshi Chaturvedi
Published on: 22 March 2017 6:30 AM GMT
Wanna get relief from deadliest pain of migraine... Here are the remedies...!!!

Transformative Dietary Tweaks to Alleviate Migraine Troubles

Lucknow: It may sound weird that deadliest pain of migraine can be treated with basic home remedies, but it is true. A recent study revealed that one can get relief from the pain by following some tips.

Migraine pain is described as ‘pounding’ by some individuals. The pain can be cured by performing some yoga exercises as it is an ancient technique and a side-effect free method to fight migraine. Practicing these simple postures for few minutes on a daily basis will help you to cure migraine.

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Image result for Anulom-vilom representational

  • Practicing yoga regularly helps in controlling the pain of migraine.
  • Seershasan, Matsyasana, Bhujangasana, Anulom-vilom and Bhramari pranayam are the most effective form of yoga in getting relief from this pain.

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IN NEXT SLIDE: Home Remedies which is helpful in curing Migraine

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One can easily get relief from pain by eating jaggery with desi ghee.

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One can also eat Rabri and Jalebi if pain occurs in early morning hours.

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Eating basil leaves with honey also works in this pain.

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One can also apply a paste of honey mixed with salt.

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Eating Grapes and garlic together also provides relief.


What is migraine?

Severe pain in the head caused due to changes in the brain. It causes head pain which is often accompanied by sensitivity of light sound or smells. One should also remember that not all headaches are migraine.

Sakshi Chaturvedi

Sakshi Chaturvedi

A journalist, presently working as a Sub-Editor at newstrack.com.

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