How Face Recognition Technology (FRT) Is Going to Change Our Future?

Internet and associated technology have changed rapidly in a few years and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has also become a part of existing products.

Ankit Awasthi
Published on: 29 Dec 2021 5:07 PM IST
How Face Recognition Technology (FRT) Is Going to Change Our Future?

Face Recognition, PC: Social Media 

New Delhi: Internet and associated technology have changed rapidly in a few years and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has also become a part of existing products. AI, that is devices that can think and understand give them some additional features. A special 'Face Recognition Technology' (FRT) has been developed by combining AI with the camera, which can identify the human face and their gestures. However, many questions are also being raised about the use of this technology.

What is Face Recognition Technology?

With the help of face recognition technology or FRT, special capabilities can be given to any camera. The camera can understand the faces of the subjects in its frame by recognizing their gestures. The camera also understands the difference between one face and the other with the help of this technology. It can be used from CCTV to smartphone cameras and has many benefits.

How does Face Recognition Technology Work?

Face recognition technology uses computer algorithms to identify or understand the gestures of a face. For example, scales such as the size of the eyes or chin and the distance between the nose and lips help. This technology can match a face by analysis of saved data in advance. Data is matched as the last step after face detection and analysis.

What are the benefits of Face Recognition Technology?

It can be used for biometric login or security, as smartphones are already doing in Face Unlock. A lost person or criminal can be traced with the help of FRT. The cost of face recognition technology is low and businesses can use it in a system that has employee attendance. In times like the covid epidemic, the option of login without touching is available through it.

What are the challenges associated with face recognition technology?

The first question is privacy because experts are not unanimous about the use of facial data. The limitations of this technology have also come as a big challenge. This can be affected, especially when the camera quality and a lot of faces are together in the crowd. On the other hand, face recognition technology is not fully effective or full-proof and there is scope for mistakes.

Should government agencies use it?

Earlier in the year, Uttar Pradesh police used FRT to prevent crime against women. The system would inform the police control room after understanding the fear, anger or nervousness on the woman's face and taking a photo of her. However, the system did not work and the launch under the Smart City Project had to be stopped. There were a lot of mistakes on the part of the system which increased the work of the police.

Why did the FRT system fail?

Cyber security expert Rajasekhar Rajharia told us that in a country like India, congestion and weak camera quality are responsible for this. "The FRT system has not been completely successful in any part of the world. The system cannot separate quarrels between friends or arguments between siblings in India from other criminal cases. It is not easy to distinguish faces due to the large population and this system is not successful. "

Facebook shuts down its face recognition system

Social media giant Facebook also decided to shut down its face recognition system in November this year. That is, for many years, the company that has collected data on users' faces from their photos will not do so, worrying about their privacy.

Is there room for improvement in face recognition technology?

Kunal Kislay, CEO and AI expert at The Integration Wizards Solution, says, "FRT with legal agencies will affect people's lives, so it needs to be reliable. Now, there are difficulties like wrong arrest, privacy, and human rights violations. "FRT technology is new now and needs to be improved by understanding the need and method of its use instead of haste," he said. Kunal believes that FRT can be improved through data analysis.

Is face recognition technology a threat to privacy?

Aundh Vikas Mandal President and Posh Committee Member Vaishali Patkar said that the FRT system can be used in a manner where there are fewer people. On privacy, he said, "In cases of crime involving women, sensitivity and caution are required and not all women want to reveal their identity. The record of his face on the camera and his feelings during an incident is a violation of privacy. "

What will be the future of face recognition technology?

Many countries have framed rules relating to the use of FRT and are continuously improving it. The Government of India can also take such steps and start using them in government institutions. Its safe use within the ambit of the law can act as a means of catching criminals and connecting lost people with their loved ones. Instead of being hasty in using this technology, it would be better to implement it after testing according to the need and function.

Ankit Awasthi

Ankit Awasthi

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