Daily Horoscope 2018: February 16, Friday

Sakshi Chaturvedi
Published on: 16 Feb 2018 11:31 AM IST
Todays Horoscope: August 18, 2018; Saturday

Aries (March 21 to April 20): Today, you will full of good ideas and your choice of activities will bring you gains. Bank dealing need to handled very carefully. You will make good money if you invest in safe ventures. Today luck will stay on your. At work, your hard work will show its colors and you will get success. Married life will be blissful and you will spend some quality time with your life partner. If we talk about your health, you need to be very careful today. Take preventive medication if necessary. Be careful not to trust what others say and suggest.

Taurus (April 21 to May 21): Favorable day for natives in job. Promotion and monetary gains are on cards. Health will remain good and you will be able to do something extraordinary. Control your spending and only buy essential items. Lovely mood of your spouse will brighten your day and you may plan an outing with him/her. A reunion with an old friend will bring immense happiness and pleasure. This will be a good day for love relationships. Avoid taking hasty decisions as it may obstruct your progress.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21): Today, you will be ready to take challenges. Your family life might be in chaos. Being patient will help you to sort out all the issues wisely. Charity work undertaken will bring mental peace and comfort. Not a good day to make investments and to start something new. Natives in business are advised to be very careful in money related matters. Avoid trusting your business partner blindly. Problems are indicated in your married life. You will have a tough day dealing with your life partner. Pay attention to your health. Secret enemies will be eager to spread rumors about you.

Cancer (June 22 to July 22): You may feel happy at your workplace because the good mood of your boss may make the entire environment at quite happening. In terms of finance, the day appears average. Avoid wasting your hard earned money. Also, stay away from lottery and gambling. Married life will be peaceful and joyous. It is going to be a wonderful day with your life partner. Students may deviate from their goals. If you want to achieve success then concentrate on your studies. Health related problems might bring discomfort.

Leo (July 23 to August 21): Today, you might go out with your life partner and spend some wonderful time together. Money position will improve later in the day as chances are high of some monetary gains. Avoid criticizing others at your workplace otherwise you may face criticism for this habit. Your love relationship is turning magical and you will see the wonderful side of your love partner. Health will be fine. Rash driving and risk should not be taken while on the road.

Virgo (August 22 to September 23): Good day for people of Virgo sign. At work, things will be in your favor. Also, your energy level will be high and you will be able to do complete all your pending work. Outings and parties are on cards. Also, you may spend a lot on shopping today. Don’t force people to do things for you. Think in terms of others interest, it will give immense happiness. If we talk about your married life, your life partner might give you a wonderful surprise. He/she will pass compliments which you always wanted to hear. Today travelling will be very beneficial for you.

Libra (September 24 to October 23): Spending time with your children will surely bring happiness to you. Problems are indicated in your marital life. Be original in your conversation and avoid arguments with your life partner. Stay away from lottery and gambling otherwise you may land in trouble. If we talk about your professional life, luck will stay on your side and you will earn applauds for your hard work. Romance is on cards and you are likely to go on a date with your love partner at your favorite place. Financially, the day seems good.

Scorpio (October 24 to November 22): You might experience negativity today. Try to control your anger especially at your workplace. Don’t get into arguments with your seniors and boss. Don’t waste your time on unnecessary things and focus on your goal. Health of your spouse causes concern and anxiety. In the evening, you may plan to go for a shopping with your kids. However, it may increase your expenditure. Support of your parents will level up your spirits. Health needs a special check. If you will take your decisions wisely in financial matters, you will surely earn good money.

Sagittarius (November 23 to December 22): It is going to be an amazing day for you. Your love life will be blissful and you will enjoy some memorable time with your lover. On financial front, sudden monetary gain is expected. Today, you may get back your blocked money which will definitely relieve your tension. Not a favorable day for investment in joint ventures. There are chances of work related journey which might make you feel tired and exhausted. Your familial life will be peaceful and joyous. You may go to a religious place with your family today. Health wise day appears good.

Capricorn (December 23 to January 20): You need a break from your busy schedule to keep yourself charge and refresh. Spending time with your family will be the best option. Today you may get some wonderful opportunities which will change your life in some significant ways. So, don’t miss any of it. Problems are indicated in your personal life. You may have difference of opinion with your elders and their harsh treatment could annoy you. Things look really good in your professional life. Your rivals will praise you at your back for your hard work.

Aquarius (January 21 to February 19): You will earn some extra cash by investing in secure financial scheme. Not a favorable day for travelling. You may buy an expensive gift for your life partner and express your love to him/her. At work, you will be able to give your best and may get the fruit of your hard work in the form of promotion. Good day for people in business. Your family life will be peaceful and you will get love and support of your family members. You need to focus on your health.

Pisces (February 20 to March 20): Today, your spouse will demand more of your time. If possible plan an outing with him/her. Try to resolve all your personal issues as soon as possible otherwise it may hamper your professional life. Possibility of a stomach related issue is there, so keep a watch over your food. Expenditure would be excessive. Be careful. Your long awaited desire is expected to get fulfilled today. Some problems are indicated in your love life. Be careful about your words and respect the feelings of your love partner.

Sakshi Chaturvedi

Sakshi Chaturvedi

A journalist, presently working as a Sub-Editor at newstrack.com.

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