World health Day: Let's promise to keep track on our well-being

Published on: 7 April 2018 7:37 AM GMT
World health Day: Lets promise to keep track on our well-being

New Delhi: 'Health is Wealth', Keep yourself healthy and you yourself be wealthy because nothing is more important than your robustness and fitness.

There is also a saying 'Prevention is better than cure' and this World Health Day let us promise to ourselves to take tangible steps to secure the health of yourself and your family.

ALSO READ: World Health Day: Palliative care a silent, slow-evolving revolution in India

Complete health check:

When was the last time your family and you got a complete check-up done? If the answer is more than 6 months back, it's time to visit the doctor again.

Regular medicines:

If you have conditions like thyroid deficiency, high or low blood pressure or calcium or iron deficiency, you may require regular supplements to be taken. Keeping track of your usage, not forgetting your dose and even getting medicines regularly from the market can be quite painful. Technology can help through this as well - set daily reminders for your family member or yourself on smartphones to make sure a dose isn't finished.

ALSO READ: Beware! Frequent dining out can harm your health

Mental health support:

Visits to psychologists can be inconvenient and difficult for people suffering from mental health concerns. Technology-driven solutions that connect your family and you conveniently to a therapist via a phone or computer are ideal to provide the kind of mental health support your family needs.

Sexual health and hygiene:

Sexual Health, word cloud concept on white background.

Like mental health, sex is a taboo subject. It is essential for you to make your family aware of the most common sexual health problems and how to deal with them. However, given the sensitive nature of the subject, people are hesitant to see specialists. Through apps and other health networks and technologies, people can discreetly and conveniently get their most personal and intimate questions about sexual health and hygiene answered by some of the best specialists in India.

Diet management:

The old myth that you are what you eat is like most clichés annoyingly true. Consulting a nutritionist for your family and choosing the foods that fill your grocery baskets based on their health situation and requirements can help in creating the right kind of family diet that boosts immunity and health for everybody.



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