Sustainable Momentum: The Power of Consistent Action

Learn how simple routines and deliberate daily actions can propel you towards success.

Gobind Arora
Published on: 23 Feb 2024 8:25 AM GMT
Sustainable Momentum: The Power of Consistent Action

Sustainable Momentum: The Power of Consistent Action

Consider the last time you felt the desire to make a significant change. How many of us have found ourselves waiting for external forces to ignite the spark of motivation within us? It's a common scenario: anticipating that one video or book to be the catalyst for our ambitious dreams.

It's a familiar refrain: "I want to get in shape, but today's not the day," or "I have a business idea, but I'm not feeling it today," or "I'd like to paint again, but the inspiration isn't there."

We've all been there. The daunting task or dream sits on the horizon, and instead of diving in, we hesitate. Why? Stepping out of our comfort zone is, well, uncomfortable.

This hesitation, the instinct to avoid what's challenging, isn't merely laziness or a lack of discipline; it's science.

Our brain, in its ever-helpful design, presents a clash between the emotional, unconscious limbic system and the rational, conscious prefrontal cortex. When faced with a daunting task, the limbic system, our protective guardian, intervenes to steer us away from perceived discomfort, nudging us back into familiar territory. That's the anatomy of procrastination.

But here's the twist: if we consistently wait to "feel" ready or "feel" motivated before taking action, we set ourselves up for a never-ending loop of inactivity. Waiting to feel a certain way before acting is not a guaranteed ticket to success.

Let's change our approach. Dive into this article to discover the intriguing reality: motivation doesn't precede action. Instead, it's the other way around.

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Action Sparks Motivation

Consider this counterintuitive idea: don't wait to "feel" motivated. Start acting, even if your heart isn't completely in it. Why? Because action, interestingly enough, can be the very thing that sparks the motivation you've been longing for.

Motivation often emerges from action, not the other way around. Picture yourself in front of a stationary bicycle. Initiating movement can be challenging at first. But once you start pedaling, even slowly, it becomes easier to keep going and accelerate. That's the power of momentum, rooted in taking the first step, no matter how tiny.

My team and I have developed a framework around this concept called the Time Flow System. It's our unique approach to managing our most precious resource—time. At its core lies the principle of Sustainable Momentum.

You might wonder, "Why not aim for those big, one-off wins?" After all, they feel exhilarating. You stand atop the podium, basking in applause and the thrill of achievement.

But there's a catch: those moments are fleeting. What happens once the clapping stops? If you can't replicate that win, where does it leave you in the grand scheme of your journey?

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Consider the elegance of momentum instead. Picture a snowball starting its descent from the top of a hill. Initially small, it picks up more snow as it rolls, growing in size and speed. That's the essence of momentum.

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Gobind Arora

Gobind Arora

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