Highlights from Republic Day Parade 2024

Gobind Arora
Published on: 26 Jan 2024 6:47 AM GMT
Republic Day

Highlights from Republic Day Parade 2024

India marked its 75th Republic Day with a spectacular parade, showcasing a blend of military might and cultural diversity. President Droupadi Murmu led the festivities, unfurling the national flag at Kartavya Path in the national capital. Let's delve into the vibrant events that unfolded during this historic celebration.

Reviving Tradition: A Grand Entrance

Breaking a 40-year hiatus, President Droupadi Murmu and French President Emmanuel Macron arrived at Kartavya Path in a horse-pulled buggy, reviving a majestic tradition. This grand entrance set the tone for a day steeped in historical significance and cultural resonance.

Nari Shakti Takes Center Stage

A groundbreaking addition to the parade was the 'Aavaahan' – a band performance by over 100 women artists playing various percussion instruments, symbolizing Nari Shakti. This not only celebrated the power of women but also added a refreshing and melodious touch to the customary march.

Cultural Extravaganza: Tableaus from Lord Ram to Chandrayaan

The parade showcased India's rich cultural tapestry through vibrant tableaus, depicting diverse facets of the nation. From representations of Lord Ram to the iconic Chandrayaan mission, each display reflected the unity in diversity that defines India.

French Collaboration: A Global Affirmation

Adding an international flavor, the French Armed Forces participated in a combined Band and Marching contingent, emphasizing the global significance of the Republic Day celebration. The presence of French President Macron further strengthened diplomatic ties on this momentous occasion.

Maiden Triumphs: Women Power and Tri-Service Contingent

This year witnessed the maiden participation of an all-women Tri-Service contingent, showcasing the growing role of women in India's defense forces. Women pilots soared through the skies during the Fly-past, embodying 'Nari Shakti.' Even the Central Armed Police Forces contingents were comprised solely of women personnel, marking a historic moment for gender inclusion.

Prime Minister's Tribute and Military Salute

The ceremony commenced with Prime Minister Narendra Modi paying solemn tributes at the National War Memorial, honoring the fallen heroes. The parade, under the command of Lieutenant General Bhavnish Kumar, showcased India's military prowess and honored the 250 years of service by the elite 'Rashtrapati Ke Angrakshak.'

Closing Moments: Helicopter Petal Shower and 21-Gun Salute

The grandeur continued with a mesmerizing helicopter petal shower by four Mi-17 IV helicopters, symbolizing peace and celebration. The event concluded with the President taking the salute, followed by a booming 21-gun salute with indigenous gun systems, a traditional and patriotic finale.

Gobind Arora

Gobind Arora

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