If you really love music, these festivals are not to miss for sure!

Update: 2018-05-30 04:45 GMT

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Lucknow:A�If you are a true music lover, then missing these music festivals is the biggest crime you have committed till now.

Beats are waiting for you, exciting sound is ready to shiver you, vibrations are all up and about to make you bounce. What are you waiting for?

Start packing guyzz.. as we have brought you this list of music extravaganza that will leave you in tapping your feet for year long.

Check out in slides ahead!


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August 10-12

What to look out for?

The fest has rappers and comedy. The major squad includes Janet Jackson, The Weeknd, and Florence and the Machine along with a line-up of comic acts.


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July 27-29

What to look out for?

Tickets ranging from $79 - $450 will get you enjoy withA�The Weeknd, Janet Jackson, and the Killers. More to make you shout out loud are Cardi B, Gucci Mane, St. Vincent, The XX, The War on Drugs, Odesza, David Byrne.


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July 6-8

What to look out for?

We bet you will say after returning that this was the best roundup of the genre of rap. The fest will be lit by Stormzy. A�DJ Khaled. J.Cole. French Montana. The Migos. Lil Uzi Vert.

Tickets will range from $77 (A?55) to $164 (A?117.50) plusA�fees.


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June 27 a�� July 8

What to look out for?

Summerfest has everything from classic rock to pop. Imagine Dragons, Shawn Mendes, Halsey, James Taylor, Florida Georgia Line and the Flaming Lips, will set up the mood for you.

Tickets range from $9 to $100.


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June 14-17

What to look out for?

Tickets ranging from $269 to $2,499 will give a music experience with a dose of camping. Musicians like Kendrick Lamar to Foster the People, there's no missing out on Eminem and The Killers here too.


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June 7-10

What to look out for?

Laid-back environment with adventures of camping, this festival invites Eminem, The Killers, and Muse along with Dua Lipa and Khalid. Be ready for a different take with Sweden's First Aid Kit sister act and the legendary Mavis Staples too.


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June 1-3

What to look out for?

This one is nearest. Go and experience all you favourites. They have Eminem, Jack White, Travis Scott, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Halsey, N.E.R.D, Khalid, Chvrches, The Gaslight Anthem and many more. Do you need anything else?

Check in slides ahead, what you missed and start planning for next year...


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May 25-27

What to look out for?

EMINEM rocking the center stage and raps of Bryson Tiller and Tyler, heavy-rock roster of The Killers, Jack White, The National and Paramore it was this year.


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May 25-27

What to look out for?

Indie rock blended with EDM, hip-hop and alternative rock, the amazing line-up of artists for the festival includes Bon Iver, David Byrne, Jacob Banks, The National, Modest Mouse among others.

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