Saying Goodbye to WordPad: Microsoft Phases Out a 30-Year-Old Text Editing Companion

Microsoft bids farewell to WordPad after 30 years, phasing it out from Windows 11.

Update: 2024-01-14 10:26 GMT


After three decades of serving as a reliable text editing companion in the Windows ecosystem, Microsoft has officially bid farewell to WordPad. In an announcement accompanying the recent Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26020 for the Canary Channel, Microsoft revealed its decision to remove WordPad from future builds of Windows 11.

Originating in Windows 95, WordPad has been a familiar application, offering users a middle ground between the feature-rich Word and the minimalist Notepad. Basic formatting options such as fonts, colors, and paragraph alignment made WordPad a popular choice for small documents and quick notes. However, in recent years, Microsoft has actively promoted Word for more robust documents and positioned Notepad as the go-to for plain text. 

The demise of WordPad doesn't come as a surprise, given Microsoft's previous recommendations in its documentation, advising users to use Word for rich text formats and Notepad for plain text. Notably, WordPad has seen little development in comparison, lacking even a dark mode for Windows 11, a feature that Notepad has received along with upcoming autosave capabilities.

With the removal of WordPad, Microsoft seems to be streamlining its applications to better align with modern document creation preferences. Notepad, its predecessor, is set to persist as a Windows fixture for quick notes, while the extensive Office suite caters to more advanced document needs.

For many users, WordPad served as their initial introduction to word processing before transitioning to Word. However, Microsoft's decision indicates a strategic shift towards a more focused and efficient app ecosystem. While it marks the end of an era for WordPad, the move aligns with Microsoft's commitment to providing tailored solutions for diverse user requirements.

As technology has evolved over the last 30 years, WordPad found itself as the odd app out in the changing landscape. Microsoft's emphasis on refining its suite of applications underscores the company's dedication to adapting to user preferences and staying at the forefront of technological advancements.


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