Alert: QR code scams are increasing

Recently, an FIR was lodged from a victim who lost Rs 63000 from his account after scanning the QR code. Hackers are using this new technique to steal money through digitally.

Update: 2023-09-15 09:07 GMT
Source: Social Media

In this era of technology we depend a lot on our mobile phones. Even for payment also. Tangible currency has been replaced with digital currency in which we pay through QR code.

But with the advancement in technology, the danger of cybercrime has also increased. Nowadays cases of QR code scams are increasing.

Recently, an FIR was lodged from a victim who lost Rs 63000 from his account after scanning the QR code.
Hackers are using this new technique to steal the money through digitally.

What is QR code scam:

In a QR code scam, cyber criminals send a QR code to the victim which looks like an original QR code. In this, criminals try to convince the victim that the money is being transferred by scanning the QR code. After this, the scammers ask the victim to scan the QR code and enter the amount to receive the money. Then the victim is asked to enter the OTP. In this condition, mostly people forget that QR code is only used to send the money not for the receiving.

In such a situation, when people scan a QR code, they feel that they are getting money. But, in reality, money is deducted from their instead of getting amount. Because when a victim scans this QR code, a malware software installs in his phone which steals the victim's personal and financial information.

How to prevent:

  • Do not share your UPI ID or bank details with any unknown person.
  • Try to avoid the deal on some websites.
  • Never scan the QR code to receive the amount.
  • Check the details again while sending the money from QR.
  • If there is a sticker on the top of the QR code, then don't scan because, it may be a trap.
  • Check all the details of the customers before any transaction.
  • Try to avoid share your phone number with anyone.

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