Rejection: Most awkward situation in the dating world

Here are 4 polite ways to reject someone depending on the situation and the type of relationship you have with that person.

Update: 2022-02-24 11:51 GMT

Rejection: Most awkward situation in the dating world

Rejection is the most awkward situation in the dating world. As flattering as it can be to learn that someone is interested in you, it creates a difficult situation if you don't feel the same way. What do you say if someone you're not interested in asks you out? How do you easily let them down? After all, we all know that rejection isn't the most pleasant of experiences.

Here are 4 polite ways to reject someone depending on the situation and the type of relationship you have with that person.

Be as clear as possible

When it comes to rejecting someone, there is no room for ambiguity. You might be tempted to sugarcoat what you're about to say, but don't! Honesty is the best policy in this situation. The best thing you can do (for both of you) is to communicate calmly but firmly that you are not interested. There should be no doubt about your decision or your feelings.

Keep things casual

If a coworker asks you out, be clear that you're not interested and don't feel obligated to explain why. Maintaining a casual tone will make both parties feel more at ease in an awkward situation. You don't have to go any further than that. It's not harsh; it's just straightforward. Try this, "I appreciate your trust in asking me, but I don't think we're on the same page. I'm not looking for a relationship, but thank you for asking!"

Accept the fact that you are going to hurt them

He'll be upset no matter what you tell him. All you can do is minimise the impact on him by emphasising why you decided to leave him, and if it was his fault, tell him about it so he can improve himself and move on. The more sugar you put on it, the longer it will hurt him. Inform him of your intention to speak with him and leave him on a positive note. That's all you've got. What he does next is entirely up to him.

Do not keep them hanging

Assume you approached someone and insisted on meeting them because you thought you'd get along well. However, meeting them altered your perception. Then don't snub them. Instead, inform them clearly of your intentions. "You are a nice person," you can say. "But I realised we have very different goals in life, making us an unlikely couple. I do wish you the best of luck as you continue your journey."

So, the next time you have to reject someone, remember these suggestions to help soften the blow. It won't be easy, but at the very least you'll be courteous about it!


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