Convince your parents for love marriage without hurting them; here's how

So, take a look at some of the things you can do to convince your parents for love marriage without hurting them.

Update: 2022-01-21 09:16 GMT

A lot of kids still marry according to the wishes of their elders in India. Whether you have recently met someone or you are passionately in love, you may wish to step away from convention and tie the knot with them. This write-up shall aid your quest by helping you to earn your parents' blessing. So, take a look at some of the things you can do to convince your parents for love marriage without hurting them.

Help them see the best in your lover

You are in love with your partner because of all the attributes they have. However, your parents do not know them at all. Change this, by helping them realise why this individual is the ideal life partner for you. Showcase their best qualities right from their nature, cooking skills, emotional intelligence or financial stability; these may help convince your parents.

Prove to your parents that you're capable of making mature decisions

It is often the case that parents wish to make all your big decisions for you. It is mainly because they assume you are young and yet unable to take strong decisions and live with the consequences that come with them. Hence, you must prove to your parents that you're capable of making mature decisions by offering examples of how you've done so in the past. This could be anything from choosing your own career path and succeeding in it or living alone in a new city for education and pulling it off without their help.

Enlist the aid of their friends and relatives

While they may not easily listen to you, your parents may be more willing to take advice from their own circle of friends or relatives. So, seek out relatives who have had a love marriage and as them to argue its benefits to your parents. You can also reach out to friendly uncles and aunts and win them over before you ask them to press your cause with your parents.

It is likely that they shall seriously listen to such advice when it is given by adults they know and trust!


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