Check out the top 3 health benefits of drinking coffee

In this article, I will list some of the health benefits of drinking coffee, as proven by science. So, keeping our brewing thoughts aside, let's take a look at some of them right now!

Update: 2022-09-02 12:13 GMT

Are you a coffee addict like me? Well, if you are, I am sure you have heard people say that coffee is not at all good for one's health and that you should stop drinking too much of it. While they are right to some extent, I am here to make you look at the bright sides of drinking coffee.

In this article, I will list some of the health benefits of drinking coffee, as proven by science. So, keeping our brewing thoughts aside, let's take a look at some of them right now!

3 Health benefits of drinking coffee

Check out the top 3 health benefits of drinking coffee below to feel less guilty about your daily Starbucks Venti cup.

1) More physical activity

Everyone knows that coffee is a great energy booster and a drink for long nights (not the Game of Thrones ones, fortunately). However, scientifically speaking, a 2018 study showed that the drink actually enhances bodily activities and increases physical actions.

According to the study, daily female workers who drink one or two cups of coffee on a regular basis are more likely to achieve their recommended daily physical activity levels than those workers who do not consume coffee. So, if you ever feel like your body has not been active for some time, get brewing!

2) Improves heart

While matters of the heart can be complicated, a hot cup of good ground-coffee daily can help improve its condition. According to research, those who drink two to three cups of coffee on a daily routine are less likely to develop heart diseases than those who do not drink coffee. Moreover, a recent study confirmed the findings of the previous research and indicated that drinking more coffee can reduce the risk of heart failure.

3) Reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes

While there are other risks of drinking coffee, one of the best reasons to drink it is that it reduces the chance of developing type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is essentially a chronic disease that affects millions of people around the world.

According to a review of multiple studies, it is found that people drinking coffee daily are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. This is due to the fact that coffee is able to maintain the functions of the beta cells in your pancreas. These are responsible for producing insulin, an element to regulate the blood sugar levels in a body.

So, these are some of the unique health benefits of drinking coffee daily. However, it is worth noting that consuming too much coffee can be a health risk as it can cause excess anxiety, insomnia, and digestive issues.

I hope you learned something new from this article. Thanks (a latte) for reading this short explainer!


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