CM Yogi Adityanath Extends Greetings on Ganga Dussehra and Bakrid

Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath extends heartfelt greetings on Ganga Dussehra and Bakrid, emphasizing communal harmony and cultural celebration.

Update: 2024-06-17 11:33 GMT

CM Yogi

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath extended heartfelt greetings to the people of the state on the auspicious occasions of Ganga Dussehra and Bakrid. In his message, CM Yogi emphasized the importance of these festivals in promoting communal harmony, cultural heritage, and mutual respect among different communities.

Ganga Dussehra, celebrated to honor the descent of the holy river Ganga to Earth, holds significant spiritual and cultural value in Hindu tradition. Devotees gather along the banks of the Ganges to perform rituals and offer prayers, seeking blessings and purification. CM Yogi highlighted the sacredness of the river Ganga in his message, urging people to participate in the celebrations with devotion and to keep the river clean and pollution-free. He reminded everyone of the efforts made by the state government to rejuvenate and maintain the sanctity of the Ganga through various initiatives.

Bakrid, also known as Eid al-Adha, is an important festival for the Muslim community, commemorating the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God. It is marked by prayers, feasting, and the act of sacrificing an animal, symbolizing the spirit of sacrifice and charity. CM Yogi's message underscored the values of compassion, brotherhood, and generosity associated with Bakrid. He called for people to celebrate the festival with joy and to uphold the spirit of sharing and caring for the less fortunate.

The Chief Minister’s greetings on these significant festivals reflect his commitment to fostering a sense of unity and togetherness among the diverse population of Uttar Pradesh. His message encourages people to embrace the cultural richness of both festivals, respecting each other's traditions and beliefs. By doing so, CM Yogi aims to strengthen the social fabric of the state, promoting peace and understanding.

In his address, CM Yogi also highlighted the state government’s initiatives to ensure smooth and safe celebrations. He assured that adequate measures are in place to facilitate the rituals and gatherings associated with both Ganga Dussehra and Bakrid. This includes maintaining law and order, ensuring the cleanliness of the riverbanks, and providing necessary amenities for the devotees and participants.

The dual celebration of Ganga Dussehra and Bakrid presents an opportunity for the people of Uttar Pradesh to come together and celebrate their shared cultural heritage. CM Yogi’s greetings serve as a reminder of the importance of unity and respect in a diverse society. By acknowledging and celebrating the different cultural and religious practices, the state can continue to move forward in harmony and mutual respect.

CM Yogi Adityanath’s greetings on Ganga Dussehra and Bakrid are a call for communal harmony and cultural celebration. His message emphasizes the spiritual significance of these festivals and the values of unity, compassion, and respect that they embody. The state of Uttar Pradesh, under his leadership, continues to celebrate its rich cultural diversity with pride and reverence.


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