Salman Khan's Generosity During Lockdown: Helping Shah Rukh Khan's Doppelganger

During the COVID-19 lockdown, Salman Khan extended support to Shah Rukh Khan's lookalike, Raju Rahikwar, by providing financial aid and ration supplies, showcasing his generosity.

Update: 2024-06-08 17:53 GMT

Salman Khan

During the challenging times of the COVID-19 lockdown, Bollywood superstar Salman Khan extended a helping hand to Shah Rukh Khan's lookalike, Raju Rahikwar. Known for his generosity, Salman Khan sent Rs 2,500 and essential ration supplies to Rahikwar, who was struggling to make ends meet due to the pandemic's impact on his livelihood.

Raju Rahikwar, who earns his living by impersonating Shah Rukh Khan at events and functions, found himself out of work as the country went into lockdown to curb the spread of the virus. With no events, weddings, or gatherings taking place, Rahikwar's primary source of income dried up, leaving him in a precarious financial situation.

Salman Khan, renowned for his philanthropic efforts, stepped in to support Rahikwar during these tough times. The Bollywood actor's gesture not only provided financial aid but also boosted the morale of someone who relies on public gatherings for his livelihood. By sending Rs 2,500 and essential groceries, Salman ensured that Rahikwar and his family had their basic needs met during the lockdown.

Rahikwar expressed his gratitude towards Salman Khan, acknowledging that the aid came at a critical time. He shared that the support helped him sustain his family when there were no other means of earning. This act of kindness is one among many instances where Salman Khan has extended his support to those in need, particularly during the pandemic.

Salman Khan's charitable activities are well-documented. Through his foundation, Being Human, he has initiated several programs aimed at education, healthcare, and supporting underprivileged communities. During the pandemic, Salman intensified his efforts, helping daily wage workers, donating to COVID-19 relief funds, and supporting the film industry workers who were hit hard by the lockdown.

The Bollywood fraternity and fans have often praised Salman Khan for his big heart and willingness to help others. His assistance to Raju Rahikwar is a testament to his commitment to philanthropy and his genuine concern for the welfare of individuals, especially those affected by the pandemic.

This story also highlights the plight of many performers and artists who rely on public events for their livelihood. The pandemic has exposed the vulnerabilities of such professions, prompting a need for more robust support systems for freelance and gig workers in the entertainment industry.

Salman Khan's gesture serves as a reminder of the impact of individual acts of kindness and the difference they can make in someone's life. As the world continues to recover from the pandemic, stories like these inspire hope and reinforce the importance of compassion and solidarity.

In conclusion, Salman Khan's aid to Shah Rukh Khan's lookalike during the lockdown is a shining example of generosity and support during difficult times. His actions underscore the need for empathy and assistance to those whose livelihoods have been disrupted by unprecedented events like the COVID-19 pandemic.


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