Stressed what will happen today? Here's what your zodiac sign predicts!

Everybody is curious to know what will happen today and what they have to face today. Here is your daily horoscope so that you prepare yourself beforehand.

Update: 2019-12-18 06:54 GMT
Stressed what will happen today? Here's what your zodiac sign predicts!

Lucknow: Everybody is curious to know what will happen today and what they have to face today. Here is your daily horoscope so that you prepare yourself beforehand.

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Someone is being awfully bossy and dictatorial. You long to prick their self-important bubble, but there may be reasons why you can’t. Instead, you'll just have to grit your teeth and get on with it. Make sure that you don't behave in the same way, perhaps by being rather arrogant or assuming that you are the only one who knows that you are doing. Not a good strategy.


Stay clam and don't panic. You're suddenly aware of all the things you still need to do before the big day, and you can't help getting in a state about them. But you won't achieve anything if you start chasing your own tail or wasting your valuable energy by getting annoyed, so take a few deep breaths and then tackle the most urgent tasks first. Maybe you should ask someone to lend you a hand.


Once again you have to cope with a frosty atmosphere between you and loved ones. Love and money are at the heart of the problem. Maybe someone if feeling jealous or they are annoyed about all the expenses that have been incurred lately. You must sort things out otherwise everyone concerned will continue to seethe in silence.

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Maybe the pre-christmas strain is starting to get to you and this looks like being a rather tense day. Are you feeling annoyed with someone or are you simply in one of those crotchety moods in which nothing anyone does is right? The better you know someone the more likely they are to get on your nerves now, so clear the air quickly rather than leaving storm clouds wherever you go.


In a panic and not sure what to do first? It's one of those tricky days when there aren't enough hours in which to do everything and you're feeling frazzled. There could also be a mini drama about work problem, a health matter or something connected with your pets. But you don't blow it out of proportion because that will waste valuable time that would be better spent sorting out the problem.


Keep a close eye on your spending or it will go haywire. That's especially likely if you're doing your last-minute Christmas shopping and you get into panic about what to buy certain people. Overspending is one option, but you mkay not be very happy with it. If you aren't the one who's spending too much, a loved one is the culprit- and you won't be very happy about it.

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Someone is being very defensive today. They're over reacting to everything they hear and using it as an excuse to get upset and angry. Let's hope you aren't the person who's behaving like this because it will be very exhausting for the people around you. If you are annoyed about something, get it out in the open and deal with it so you can put it behind you. But don't take it out on innocent bystanders.


Keep a strict watch over what you today. Scorpio, in case you accidentally blurt out something that was supposed to be a secret. It will be too easy to do this and you may not even realize that you've let the cat out of the bag until someone else tells you. This certainly isn't a good day to tell anyone your secrets either, in case they can't keep the information to themselves.


It looks as though there's a clash today between you and a friend, especially if the vexed topic of money comes between you. Maybe you have a disagreement about how much something costs or whether you can afford to go out on the town. There could also be an element of possessiveness creeping in, with one of you wanting to control the other's activities or contacts with the outside world.

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You're worried about getting everything done in time, but there's a strom cloud hanging over your head. Are you feeling weighed down by responsibilities or fazed by the list of things you've still go to do? Don't get yourself all worked up because that will just slow you down and make you unpopular neither of which do you want at the moment.


Someone isn't being very sensitive today. Mayb they are making crass remarks or they are saying things that are downright offensice. You wont be impressed by hem and will be tempted to say something but should you? If you decide to speak up, try not to leaveit until you are so angry that you are looking for an arguemnt.


It's a difficult day so take care. Someone is feeling hemmed in and trapped, especially by another person's emotional expectations or demands- perhaps yours. Watch out if you are the person who's feeling needy, possessive or suspicious because this won't go down very well with a partner. There could also be a differnce of opinion about whether someone has fulfilled their obligations in a relationship and is oulling their weight.

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