Whenever we talk about the most dangerous creatures of the sea, the first thing that comes to mind is sharks.
However, there are many dangerous creatures found in the sea that are more deadly than sharks, and it is impossible to save life from them. Know about them:
Stone Fish
This fish with poisonous thorns is expert in hiding itself anywhere. Its bite can kill a person.
Blue-Ringed Octopus
This small octopus contains the extremely poisonous poison 'tetrodotoxin', which can put anyone to death in a moment.
Saltwater Crocodile
This very dangerous looking crocodile is known for fatally attacking humans. It is considered to be the world's largest reptile.
Beaked Sea Snake
The venom of this sea snake can paralyze a person. Its poison is 8 times more poisonous than the poison of a cobra.
Puffer Fish
There is poison in the skin of these fish. When they are in danger, they inflate their bodies and become like a ball.
Great White Shark
It is considered one of the most dangerous sharks in the world. These fish are known for their large size and powerful jaws.
These fish are known for hunting in groups. Piranhas can tear off the flesh of their prey in a matter of minutes.
Cone Snail
The poison of this creature is so dangerous that one drop of it can kill 20 people. 700 species of them are found.
Electric Eel
This fish is about 8 feet long and gives a shock of 600 volts from its body. Electric eel is found in Amazon River.
Portuguese Man O' War
This creature kills the fishes living around it with its poison. It is found in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean.