Include these in your diet after the age of 50

After the age of 50, the digestion process slows down. Special care should be taken about eating habits at this age.
The fiber present in fruits provides relief from problems like constipation, gas, and acidity. Therefore, after the age of 50, consume fruits daily.
Papaya, rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, must be eaten after the age of 50. This prevents wrinkles from forming quickly.
Vitamin C, A, papain, and antioxidants present in papaya increase immunity, protect from infections and keep digestion proper.
Eating apples keeps heart health good. Blood sugar level remains correct. The soluble fiber present in it helps in reducing cholesterol.
Rich in iron, potassium and antioxidants, raisins are a powerhouse of health. Eating this provides relief from the problem of indigestion and constipation.
Eating lemons strengthens bones, maintains energy and prevents osteoporosis.
Lemon contains rich amounts of Vitamin C which increases immunity and protects from infection.