How to dry clothes without sunlight in winter, know the Indian and foreign 'Jugaad'
In such a situation, know some Indian and foreign hacks here, by trying which clothes can be dried even without sunlight.
The winter season brings with it many challenges. In this season, it becomes difficult for a person to take bath and wash clothes, but drying clothes is even more difficult. If sunlight comes out on some day in winter, then it does not come out for many days. Nowadays, the weather has started wreaking havoc due to rain every now and then. In such a situation, clothes have to be washed today or tomorrow. Drying these clothes is more difficult than washing them. If wet clothes are put in the house, then the smell of dampness also starts coming. In such a situation, know some Indian and foreign hacks here, by trying which clothes can be dried even without sunlight.
Put them to dry immediately after washing
If clothes are being washed in the machine, then spin them for some time so that the excess water of the clothes comes out. After this, shake the clothes vigorously and then put them for drying. Keep in mind that if the clothes are left in the machine or bucket after washing, then the clothes start smelling. Clothes can be hung on a rope inside the house.
Choose a place with air flow
Choose a room for drying clothes that has a window or where the air flow is good. This helps the clothes to dry and air reaches the clothes, which also removes the smell. If clothes are hung in a place with poor air flow, then the clothes take more time to dry.
Wrap clothes in a towel before drying
If fewer clothes are being washed, then a towel can be used to dry them. Place the clothes in the towel and roll them so that the excess water of the clothes gets into the towel. After this, remove the clothes from the towel and dry them. Clothes dry quickly.
Heater is also useful
The heater can be turned on while drying clothes or the clothes can be put to dry in a room that has a heater. This gives warmth to the clothes, which makes them dry quickly.
Hang clothes on hangers
Clothes can be hung on hangers. If wet clothes are hung on hangers and dried on a rope or railing, it improves blood flow and clothes can dry quickly.
Hair dryer will be useful
If small clothes need to be dried quickly or if the pockets of the pants and the part near the waist are wet, then a hair dryer can be used to dry them. Hair dryer dries clothes quickly and is beneficial for spot drying.