The Paradigm Shift Of Education Amidst the Pandemic: A closer View
Learning process in the middle of battle against corona pandemic is taking a shift. It is important to note that the old and classic chalk and duster system of teaching, which was on the way to vulnerability has all of a sudden gone to oblivion.
Lucknow: Learning process in the middle of battle against corona pandemic is taking a shift. It is important to note that the old and classic chalk and duster system of teaching, which was on the way to vulnerability has all of a sudden gone to oblivion.
The old classroom system has been beautifully replaced by the virtual classrooms with digital teachers. With the arrival into the e-world, there has been a metamorphic change in our lives and works.
The pandemic has changed the educational scenario. Now it is the era of e-learning and e-teaching and thus e-education. The pandemic has made the educational infrastructure relay on digital means.
Restrictions on social interactions has changed the old traditional school system. But the question is, what will happen after this pandemic ends . Since the last week of March, students have been out of their class rooms. The new normal has changed to attending classes online and giving exams also online. A big thankyou to the makers of the digital world who made this possible.
According to a report, over 1.2 billion people are out of the classrooms since March. The whole education system has gone online. The question is, whether it is permanent or temporary. India has a very large population living in rural areas and villages which lack digital infrastructure. Besides, affordability is also an important factor.
The main concern is about the rural children who are on one hand devoid of good teachers and facilities and this pandemic made things worse. Our education ministry is trying hard but much remains to be done.
Closure of educational Institutions has also led to an increase in the unemployment level.
However, the thirst of gaining knowledge can be filled from any well or spring. The youth of our nation are always ready to stand against any challenge. Moreover, we as a whole can win this battle.
Situations unexpectedly may always come to test us, to examine us and to foster us. Virtual learning on one hand is a boon for some and a dream for many. There are many who can not afford the provision of e learning. The current situation demands full and proper utilisation of resources to make the best of the hardtimes.