Daily Horoscope 2018: March 14, Wednesday

Arnima Dwivedi
Published on: 14 March 2018 10:34 AM IST
Life is a bliss, enjoy every moment! Read daily horoscope; Sep 04, Wed

Aries (March 21 to April 20): Sudden inflow of funds takes care of your bills and immediate expenses. Avoid travelling today as it would only lead to stress and anxiety. Your continuous efforts would bring fruitful results. Problems are indicated in your married life. Take some time out to deal with your personal problems. Patients of high blood pressure and diabetes are advised to be very careful today. Check your aspirations to enjoy the life.

Taurus (April 21 to May 21): Pay attention to your health. Take proper care of your diet and avoid roadside foods. Today unwanted thoughts will cloud your mind. Don’t waste your precious time unnecessarily and take up your pending tasks. Keep a check on your words at your workplace otherwise you may land in trouble. Happiness will prevail in your married life. There are chances that you may go out for a dinner with your spouse today. Financially, day appears average. Be careful about your spending. Excessive expenses can lead to loss of money.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21): Domestic affairs will cloud your mind and ruin your ability to work effectively. Don’t force your opinion on your life partner, as it may not go in your interest and you can make him/her annoyed. Today, your energy level will be low and you might feel a bit lazy. Avoid overloading yourself with additional work. Financial position will improve through speculation or unexpected gains. But think properly before making any big investment. Day is really good for romance and your lover is likely to buy something special for you.

Cancer (June 22 to July 22): Today your life partner will support you in the most critical thing of your life. Be secretive about your investments and future goals. Hold your temper and avoid doing anything irresponsible because it may create problems for you. Financial gains will up to your expectations and you are likely to spend a lot. If you want to maintain peace in your familial life then don’t bring office tensions at home. Romance is on cards and you will spend some wonderful time with your love partner.

Leo (July 23 to August 21): There are possibilities of money loss but sudden financial gains may also occur. You may doubt the sincerity of your life partner which will ruin your relationship. Also, your irresponsible behavior might upset your family members. Today you will feel very emotional and unable to control it. A day when work pressure seems to be low and you will get time to enjoy some wonderful moments with your friends. Your continuous efforts will bring some really good opportunities in your professional life. On health front, keep a check on your diet and exercise to stay fit.

Virgo (August 22 to September 23): Avoid taking too much stress because you may lose your mental peace. Your life partner’s negligence would create some problems for you. If you are planning to travel and spend money then it is not a good idea. Today, you are likely to attend a religious or social function. Your personal problems will hamper your performance in your professional life. Be careful with your words and take care of other’s sentiments when you pass a judgment. Avoid signing any new ventures and partnerships.

Libra (September 24 to October 23): Your bad mood will be lifted up by your life partner with some wonderful surprises. Financially, day looks good. Explore new investment opportunities that come to your way today. Take advantage of your free time and do things you really enjoy. Control your emotions otherwise your day will be ruined. At work, you will not be in your form which might upset your boss. Investment in property will beget beneficial results. Minor health issues might trouble you.

Scorpio (October 24 to November 22): Avoid overeating and keep a check on your weight. Unexpected responsibilities will disrupt your day’s plan. There are chances of improvement in finances and you are likely to make some important purchases. Marital life will blossom beautifully. Romance, outings and parties may prove to be exciting but tiring. Students may face some educational hurdles like lack of concentration. Not a good day for travelling. Stay alert from your hidden enemies.

Sagittarius (November 23 to December 22): All commitments and financial transactions need to be handled carefully. On domestic front, there will be peace and happiness. Also, support of your life partner will level up your spirits. Focus on your health otherwise your carelessness will trouble you. Some positive developments are expected in your professional life. Your boss will praise you for your hard work. Natives in business are likely to get unexpected profit today. This is the day for shopping and having fun with family and friends.

Capricorn (December 23 to January 20): Too much worry and stress could ruin your health. Take help of yoga and meditation which teaches you the art of living. Not a very beneficial day in terms of finance. So, limit your expenses. Today you will take some important decisions in your personal life. You will get moral and emotional support of your family. Today travelling will not be comfortable but it will help build important contacts.

Aquarius (January 21 to February 19): Today, you will realize how much your life partner loves you. Don’t disappoint your life partner as it will leave you repenting later. Stay away from negative thoughts and read some inspirational books. You may suffer from unknown fear today. Share your problems with your parents and friends you will surely get a solution. Excessive work load will make you feel tired and exhausted. Good day in terms of finance. You are likely to spend a lot on shopping. Problems are indicated in your love life. Rudeness of your love partner might upset you.

Pisces (February 20 to March 20): Health remains perfect. Keep yourself involved in activities that will help you keep your cool. Financially, day appears normal. Take your decisions wisely in money related matters. Differences with your spouse may cause some tension in your personal life. Children may demand more of your time. Excellent day for love birds. You may receive a surprise gift from your love partner. Try to complete all your pending tasks otherwise your boss might get upset.

Arnima Dwivedi

Arnima Dwivedi

A journalist, presently working as a sub-editor with newstrack.com. I love exploring new genres of humans and humanity.

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