Jamia Millia Islamia To Go For Entrance Test-Based Admission amid COVID-19

Jamia Millia Islamia said it will hold written tests for admission to undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

Shivani Arora
Published on: 17 Sept 2020 6:44 PM IST
Jamia Millia Islamia To Go For Entrance Test-Based Admission amid COVID-19
Jamia Millia Islamia To Go For Entrance Test-Based Admission amid COVID-19

Jamia Millia Islamia said it will hold written tests for admission to undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Earlier, it was considering having merit-based admissions this year owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. But, now in the Executive Council (EC) meeting held on Tuesday, it decided to hold entrance tests for admission. The mode of test and other modalities will be finalised and announced in due course of time at the university website.

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The EC has also said that results of the final semester or final year of various programmes will be declared as early as possible by the university. JMI has conducted the final year and final semester examinations of each faculty from June 5 to June 20. Except the Faculty of Dentistry (FoD) and Centre for Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences (CPRS) as the university was waiting for guidelines from the respective governing bodies.

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The Executive Council has also approved the proposal and final structure of an Integrated Jamia Library System (IJLS). Whereby all 34 JMI faculties and centres' libraries will be transformed into one IJLS, the university added.

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In the light of prevailing COVID-19 situation, students will be allowed to deposit the university and school fees in two instalments, it said.

However, the students will be required to deposit the total fee before the issuance of the admit card of annual, semester or board examination.

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Shivani Arora

Shivani Arora

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