Amazing benefits of eating mango

Who doesn't like eating mango, along with taste, it is also rich in nutrients.
Mango is a good source of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body.
Vitamin A is not only helpful in keeping the eyes healthy but also in protecting against age related macular degeneration.
Mango is also a good source of Vitamin C. Its antioxidant properties protect the body from infection and disease.
An antioxidant called mangiferin is also found in mango. It has cancer preventing properties.
Mangiferin helps in protecting cells from damage and prevents cancer cells from growing.
Potassium present in mango controls blood pressure and heart beat.
Potassium is beneficial for heart health and protects it from diseases.
Mango also contains plenty of fiber, which is very important for the digestive system.
Mango is also helpful in reducing obesity. Mango fibers reduce body fat.